
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just pondering

Well, with this move and not knowing many people, I have time to think...LOTS of time to think about lots of things. One of the things that's been on my mind lately is mail. Yes, mail. I told you, lots of time to think about lots of things. I would venture to say in the 3 years we lived in our house, that about 75% of the mail that we received, was just your standard pre-sorted kind that everyone gets. About 24% of it was bills and other stuff that most people get. The other 1% was personal communication between us and someone else. Why? Why is there so little personal mail nowadays? Well, e-mail, social networking, texting and phone calls is why. Not that any of those things are all. But why do we rely so heavily on those things? 

Don't you remember when you were younger and you got a piece of mail sent to you? Remember how that felt? That feeling never really goes away...when it's a personal letter or card or something to that effect. I love that feeling. I know my girls do, too. That's why I try to put a little note in their lunch box every day. That's also why I send people little postcards or cards when I think about it. Everyone loves to feel special and thought about.

My wonderful big sister sent the girls and the hubs and I cards the first week we were here. Ours was a singing card...she loves those! It really lifted my spirits. Any time I feel down, I just open that card and have to dance and laugh!! The girls loved their cards too! So, thanks sis for helping the transition be a little easier on us!

Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble. Psalm 119:165

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