
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Being a tool...

Yeah, you read that right...a the hand of God that is. I had the awesome privilege last night to pray with 2 young ladies. Let me back track just a little bit...

The theme this year at our church is 'Refreshing.' Who doesn't need a little of that? How great does it feel after hours of working in the yard to drink a tall glass of sweet tea or lemonade if tea isn't your thing? How much better does it feel to be refreshed by the Holy Spirit when you are dry? Last year was 'the year of creativity' the year of pouring out. So it only makes sense to 'refill' after you've poured out.

The message that was brought forth last night by our awesome youth pastor, was right in line with the theme of the year. As a matter of fact, the title was "Aaaahhh, that's refreshing." I think it really struck a chord with some of the students. During altar time, as I said earlier, I had the opportunity to pray with 2 students. One came forth in need of some refreshing from the Lord. I prayed with her and she stayed at the altar and spent some time with God. There is nothing more precious to me than seeing a young person, or any person for that matter, encounter and spend time with God. The second student came forward with such a pure heart and desire to share Jesus with everyone she can. And wouldn't you know it, the enemy had lied to her and given her fear....stupid devil. So I had the amazing privilege to pray boldness over her. I also was able to give her a word that the Lord had given me during the message. (While I was writing this word down, I was quite confused, but when she came to me, it all made sense!)

I must say, I enjoy being a tool in the hand of God. I'll take more God...

“[Be Holy] Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.” 1 Peter 1:3

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