
Monday, October 18, 2010

I am a runner!

I mentioned in my last post about the C25K program I am doing. Well, I NEVER thought I would actually enjoy running. I mean, in basic training when I had to run, I did it. I didn't enjoy it, but I did it.

Anyhow, I've attempted the C25K program in the past with little success. I found the program on and attempted counting the intervals myself. Well, when you are working so hard on running/jogging, counting your time is a little difficult...LOL! One of my wonderful friends mentioned that she was using a podcast and it was working out well for I decided to search iTunes for one. I happened upon Robert Ullrey's podcast and it's working out pretty well for me so far. I'm not a huge fan of the music he uses, but it's got a pretty good beat that keeps you moving.

I started my program on September, 27th and I'm now on week 4. At this time, I am planning on running a 5K here locally in December. I originally wanted to do one in November, but I won't be quite done with my training by then, so I decided against it. But I'm kinda excited about it! That's totally strange, I'm excited about running 3.1 miles....LOL!

I love that there are so many different walking/biking/running trails here in the Falls. And I really love that there's one right across the street from our apartment complex...and it goes all the way to Lake Wichita, which is beautiful!

So stay tuned for more about my running adventures!

Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. Ps 27:14

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Whoa, it's been a while!

I've been so busy lately working on my new healthier lifestyle that I haven't blogged. Ugh. Well, to get y'all up to date, here's what's been going on in my world...

I signed up on and began tracking my food and exercise and have lost 7.2 pounds since 13 September! Super stoked about that! About a week after changing my eating, I started the C25K program again. If you are not familiar with it, it's a running program designed to take you from not running at all (me) and build up your stamina and endurance to run a 5K. It is a 9-12 week program (depending on you) and I am on week 3! Super stoked about it! I am seeing so much of the city with all of the outdoor walking/biking tracks. I'm lovin' it!!

We are getting quite settled in to our new town. As I've said before, we have found our church home here and we are loving it! Making new friends and preparing to begin serving again. I can't wait to jump in feet first with these youth. I'm so excited about all of the service projects that this youth group does! I love the hearts of the pastor and his wife and can't wait to serve alongside them.

The girls are making some friends at school and they've both gotten to spend some extra time with them outside of school. I think it's great for them to get a break from one another every once in a while. (for them and me!)

The girls and I have been to the dentist (yuk) this week and oh boy. Now I see why you should take advantage of biannual visits. It's been over a year since we visited and it's not pretty. We all need to go back to have further work done. The girls both need pretty extensive work done, but I think the appointment today was a wake-up call to them both. Listening to what they said to them today and what I told them when I came home yesterday, I think that they just might understand how important caring for their teeth is. And the financial blow will help me to keep on them about brushing and flossing. But I'm not going to stress about it. God is bigger than a dentist's bill and He can help me with the training of the girls' into new habits. Even though our insurance isn't the greatest, I am thankful for it...because I don't even want to think of what the bill would be without it.

Well, I think that about sums it all up. Not much, but a whole lot at the same time! Blessings all!

(I hope to be posting again soon. I have 2 reviews that I need to write!)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11