
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ~ Fly by night cleaning fairy?

Those of you who don't know my Big Girl may be a little confused by this post. Those of you who do, I'm sure you completely understand...wonder what she wants? Ha! When I went in her room this morning to wake her up I thought, "Did a cleaning fairy come in over night?"

Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday Meditations ~ Rest

Sometimes life can seem so busy. Even if the things you fill your life with are 'good' things, it can at times seem overwhelming. Sometimes you just need to stop and in His perfect peace. Rest in the fact that He loves you and He has called you to do His work on this earth.

I think we all need to sit back every once in a while and rest in Him. I know I do. Take some time today and rest in His arms. That's what I'll be doing.

Think about it...

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Friday, April 15, 2011

Foodie Friday ~ Easy and Tasty BBQ Sauce

I love to cook. And I love to eat. I don't like to spend a lot of money on good food. Sometimes that's not so easy. The price of food is going up . . . way up. Besides that, I don't like to eat a whole lot of processed foods or foods with a lot of preservatives in them.

Well, long story short, I decided I wanted to try my hand at making BBQ sauce. Some that I could put in a jar for future use. I found a recipe in The Everything Slow Cooker Cookbook and decided to try it. I modified it a bit and my family (and our guests) loved it!!

Worcestershire sauce and pepper not pictured . . . LOL!
1 1/2 cups ketchup (original calls for 2 cups)
1 8oz can tomato paste (subbed for other 1/2 cup ketchup)
1/4 cup cider vinegar
1/4 cup brown sugar, packed
2 Tbsp molasses
2 Tbsp prepared mustard
1 Tbsp BBQ seasoning (I think I doubled this)
1/2 tsp pepper
2 tsp liquid smoke (I doubled this too)
1 Tbsp hot sauce (I doubled this too)

Add all ingredients to a slow cooker. Mix well. Cover and cook on high for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes. Reduce heat to low and cook, uncovered for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes. Store in covered container in fridge for up to 3 months.

I'm sure you could do this on the stove top as well, but this worked great for me. The original recipe called for 2 cups of ketchup and no tomato paste, but I've read lots about homemade sauces being a little on the thin side. I like a thicker sauce, so I experimented with it . . . it turned out great! Hope y'all enjoy! (One day I'd love to learn how to make some of the ingredients for this sauce . . . hmmmmm.)

It actually made 3 jars, but we've already used one! :)
Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.” Luke 9:23-24

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday Thankfulness ~ My Other Half

Yeah, I know that sounds totally cliche, but really, he does complete me. He is everything I am not. He's my perfect match.

We met through a mutual acquaintance 13 years ago. I was in a failing relationship (looking for a way out) and he was recently separated and almost divorced. When we met, I knew he was the one for me. When we talked, I could see us growing old together. I can't say that it was the same way for him, but hey, God can work with anything . . . LOL! Long story short, we dated for a year, he PCS'ed, I got out of the military and somehow we survived it all. I met his family the day before we married and he finally met mine 4 months later.

I can't say that our life together has been perfect . . . far from it, actually. What I can say is that we have been through a year long separation (thanks Uncle Sam), a couple of deployments, lots of arguing over little things, infidelity, two kids, several moves and many other things. Once we finally figured out (the hard way) that God needed to be at the center of our everything, things got better. Not easier, just better. We went through a refining period both as individuals and as a couple. We are by no means completely refined, but a heck of a lot better than we were.

So, today I thank God for this wonderful person He has blessed me with. This man that I get to wake up next to until the day death separates us. This man that I get to enjoy my life with.

Thanks God . . .

I am a lucky girl!!                                              Photo credit: Howard Timberlake
Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. Mark 10:9

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thoughtful Tuesday ~ Focus

The girls and I do a devotional every morning before school. I love this time that we have together to dig into God's word. And I love the thought provoking, practical subjects and questions in our current devo series. This morning's title was God Is Always There. You know, sometimes I need a reminder of the simple things.

Often times, the girls will ask questions pertaining to (or not) the subject. Somehow our conversation veered off track. No worries though! I don't mind when we have 'unplanned' conversations about things that matter. Anyhow, we managed to begin talking about the things we focus on. When you go through trials, it is very easy to focus on the 'facts' of the situation. When really and truly, we should focus on the 'Truth' of every situation . . . Jesus.

Think about it this way. There are positives and negatives in every day, every decision, every everything! That's something we cannot choose. What we can choose is how we react. What things we focus on. If I were to focus on the fact that we aren't millionaires, we have debt up to our eyeballs, I haven't bought 'new' clothes in forever, most of my furniture is old and falling apart, I'm hundreds of miles away from all of my blood relatives . . . and so on, (you get the picture) I'm fairly certain that I would walk around moping like my dog just died. Instead, I choose to focus on the blessings in my life. I know that sounds really cliche, but . . . I focus on the fact that I'm alive and healthy, I have a wonderful husband who loves me (even though I don't deserve it), I have two fabulous girls who bless me daily, we have a roof over our heads . . . in a safe neighborhood, we have been blessed with two fabulous church families, and well, I could go on for days, but I'm sure you'd be bored in about 5 minutes, so I'll stop.

You see, most often you will find me with a smile on my face. Not because I have a perfect life, but because I am content with the life I live. I don't focus on the blah of my life, but the blessings!

Think about it . . .

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. Philippians 4:12

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Meditations ~ Missions

You know, I'm not sure that the words 'mission trip' are found in the Bible . . . but the concept is there . . . and the command. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus says, "Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." Sure, He was talking to the 12, but are you and I not disciples as well?

I fully and completely believe that some are called to GO and some are called to SEND. At this point in my life, I know that I am not called to go. Okay, so what then? What can I do? What can my family do to participate in this mandate?

We can pray

We can support, financially

We can send.

And we do. Currently we are supporting a dear friend of ours as she completes a call on her life in Vietnam. She will be returning home in July of this year. (Yay for mom and dad!) It has been really heavy on my heart to begin searching for a new missionary to support. But not just one that I pick. One that we all pick . . . Daddy, Big Girl, Angel and me. Someone that we can connect with. Someone that we can pray for.

I'm not sure how we are going to choose, but I know God will be faithful to show our family who He wants us to support . . . and pray for. Would you join us in praying to find our missionary family?

I will update more as God reveals to us His plan! :)