
Sunday, July 18, 2010

A little bit of this and a little bit of that

I have sat in front of this computer 3 times since my last post trying to write something....anything. And I've got nothing. Not that there isn't anything going on...quite the opposite actually. There are so many things going on right now I can't decide which one I should write about. Hmmm, let's see...

1. My friends are really they are. I love having a great group of girlfriends who get me. (and still love me) I mean everyone has their quirks. Take me for example. According to my great friends, I say all those things that everyone is thinking. You know, I'm pretty sure I'm totally ok with that. I just think that it's great that all of us can look past our flaws, quirks and "just me's" and still get along like sisters. I know God has put all these women in my life for a purpose. And I love you all!!

2. My Big Girl isn't such a little girl any more. I know I call her my big girl, but she's still young...just my oldest. Well, there was a moment, a few weeks ago, where I looked at my Big Girl and realized that she doesn't look like a kid any more. Every day, she's looking more and more like a teenager. She passed a milestone recently that I had hoped was not coming for at least another year. :( But I must say that I'm looking forward to teenage-dom. I know that sounds totally crazy, but hear me out. She and I don't connect as easily as I do with my Angel. I think it will be very helpful to our relationship to be able to go out and do 'girl' stuff together...just the two of us. So, I can look past all of the hormones, attitudes and other teenager-ness that comes with the territory just to be closer to my not-so-little girl.

3. The packing is coming along pretty well. Still haven't gotten back into that kitchen...ugh! It's difficult to pack and live in a house...but we will weather this storm too!

I know there's more, but it's not really blog worthy. So for all of you (all 8 of you) that's the update on my crazier than usual life. Many blessing and lots of love to you all!!

I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws. Ps 119:7

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