
Thursday, July 15, 2010

A much deserved break...

I busted my tail today getting the kitchen sorted and mostly packed and even cleaned a little. You know, you never realize how dirty things get until you move. Take for example the top of the refrigerator. Now I'm sure there are some people out there who clean it like once a month or whatever, but I am not one of them. So, living in this house for almost 3 years, you can imagine how disgusting the top was. EW! Scrubbed the top and the inside. I packed several boxes of dishes. Then I got a call for one of the pieces of furniture I have posted. So I had to stop the work in the kitchen in order to go clean the armoire in the bedroom. Lemme tell ya, that was DIRTY! Electronics make so much dust! (It doesn't help that I have so many other things that I spend my 'dusting' time on...LOL!) Well, armoire cleaned and sold, kitchen half packed...I headed to the grocery store to get some things we had to have today. Did that and stopped at Sonic for dinner. The rest of my evening will consist of sitting right here in this recliner doing one of three things (or some combination of the three)...1) playing around on the computer 2) watching a movie or 3) reading a book. Somewhere in there I might just send my hubby to DQ again...twice in one week, oh the insanity! (but I deserve it!)

Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. James 1:21

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