
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday Thankfulness ~ Just a little reminder

You know, the majority of humanity is very selfish. Face it, especially in America, people are looking out for number one most of the time. So, that said, one can become very skeptical of people who do 'nice things' or who act 'too nice'. Trust me on this one. Holding the door for a stranger must cause a second head to grow . . . or at least that's how people look at me anyway.

I have become accustomed to strange looks as it is my second nature to be kind to others. That being said, it's not often that I run into others who share my 'put others before self' mentality . . . at least not out of my circle of friends. Sure my friends are great and think similarly, but strangers usually do not.

Angel and I were walking to check the mail the other day and we ran into a new 'neighbor'. (We live in an apt complex, so neighbor is a relative term) He had a French Bulldog who was just dying to check us out! We stopped chatted for a bit about both of us being new to the complex and he mentioned something about Craigslist and needing furniture. We just bought a new dining set and still had the old table . . . just waiting for someone to bless with it. I mentioned it and he said he had a few other leads to check into first, but if they fell through he would be delighted to have the table.

Long story short, he came and knocked on our door to say that he would indeed need the table after all. We helped him load it in his car and learned that he and his mother just moved here from Florida. We said our farewells, thank yous and you're welcomes and we all went about our evening.

I thought that would be the end of it.

I was wrong.

While doing something in my bedroom yesterday, I heard a knock at the door. Now we still don't know a whole lot of people here yet, so I had no idea who it could be. I got to the door in time to see this 'new neighbor' walking away with his dog. Strange. Fast forward a couple of hours and I'm taking out the trash. I open the door and I'm surprised by a plant on my front stoop with a note attached.

What I saw when I opened the door
The note

Needless to say I was quite surprised. Why? Why was I surprised by the kindness of a stranger? Should I be? God ever-so-gently reminded me that He shows His love and kindness in some of the most unexpected places . . . just like He does through me. Don't be so surprised next time someone does something unexpectedly nice for you. Accept it as God showing you His love. Sometimes we all need a tangible reminder.

Thanks God . . .

This is a pic with my real camera not my phone...aren't they gorgeous?

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

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