
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Insatiable Hunger

Lately I've been getting quite discouraged. Not about anything in particular, just down I guess. I'm fairly certain that this is just another ploy of the enemy to make me ineffective. Well, he just hasn't learned his lesson, has he? Doesn't he know that I'm about as stubborn as they come? You'd think after 32 years of trying, he'd figure that out...guess not. Well, I AM stubborn. Once I stick my mind to something, that's it, it's going to happen. That's the way it is with my walk with Christ. I gave my whole heart and my whole life to Him. Walking that out daily sometimes proves to be a little difficult, but I'm not turning back now!

Last night we had a great teaching on the Holy Spirit and where/how He fits into our lives. I prayed a crazy prayer, and as always, God came through and showed Himself faithful. I prayed that He give me more hunger and desire to get into His Word daily. Well, today, I can't seem to get enough of the things of God. I'm looking everywhere I can to find encouraging devotionals, podcasts or commentaries. I just can't get enough! I know having these resources in my arsenal will help me not to get down and/or help to lift me back up if I do. This is the one thing that I can think of that you can never have too much of! So, if you have a favorite resource, please feel free to share it! Be blessed!

The earth is filled with your love, O LORD; teach me your decrees. Ps 119:64 

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