
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Rock and a hard place...

With my entire house torn apart, boxes loaded onto the truck and us 'living' in a hotel for the next few nights, this move is slapping me in the face. We will pull out of the town that has been home for the last 11 years on Monday. I know we will be just down the road, but my girls don't quite get that concept. My Big Girl has a pretty good grasp on the fact that she can keep touch with her friends. 

My Angel on the other hand doesn't get it. She's 7. She's already randomly started crying several times. When asked what she's crying about, she states that she doesn't want to leave her friends. Unfortunately, with the strain of the move that I am dealing with, I don't really have the patience for random crying spells. I don't have the time to just sit and talk through all of her emotions right now. It makes me feel like a horrible mom. How do I juggle catering to the needs of my children, while trying to take some of the strain and stress off my husband by making sure certain things are done so he doesn't have to worry about them? I'm sure there is a lesson in this too, and I will learn it eventually. I just hope that happens before my kids suffer and I burn myself out. I'm ready for a vacation by the pool...

I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13


Anonymous said...

Awww, Elaina... hang in there. You are a GREAT mom! Maybe ask your big girl to talk to your angel? It's probably a little easier for your big girl also because she has her phone and can keep in contact with her friends a little easier...

Crazy Mom said...

Thanks Tracee! We'll see if the Big Girl is up to it. Angel is just super sensitive and emotional to begin with, so this just makes it worse. We'll be good. We had some great snuggle time tonight! :)