
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Venturing out...

Well, we got quite a bit accomplished today. The girls' rooms are nearly put together (including some fun wall decorations) and my wonderful hubby managed to put most of our room together. 

The girls and I went this morning to register them for school and HOLY MOLY is that school huge! I think it was once a high school or something...sheesh! Found out who the girls' teachers will be and where they are located. We will be able to meet their teachers on Thurs. night. 

After we went to their school, we decided to find Wal-Mart. It's not my favorite store, but I kinda knew where it was, so I felt safe going out on my own to find it. And find it we did! We got curtains for the kitchen, living room, and the girls' rooms. Well, there were a few things not right with what we got, so Big Girl and I ventured back out to return them and get what we needed. We decided to go a different route to see what we could find...well, low and behold, we found another Wal-Mart! (and Hastings, Hobby Lobby and Mardel!) Then we found a great little frozen yogurt shop with 14 or so different flavors!! Stopped at TJ Maxx and Ross and managed to find Big Girl some school shoes...she's so picky!

And the day is ending just perfectly! The girls and I went for a swim after dinner and then they ran off some energy in the 'yard' while the hubs and I chilled on the back patio. Now they are in bed and here I sit with a is good!

Our yummy 'frogurt' concoction! Peanut butter/chocolate with chocolate chips!

The perfect end to a pretty good day!

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

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